PresentationML Slides - Notes Slide

A notes slide contains a thumbnail of the corresponding presentation slide together with notes displayed below the thumbnail. The slide thumbnail is contained within a placeholder of type 'sldImg'. The text of the notes is contained within a placeholder of type 'body'. See Slides - Overview for more on placeholders. The notes slide can have additional content, different headers and footers, and different styles from the corresponding presentation slide. For example, below shows a notes slide with a text box indicating that the slide is confidential. Below that is the same slide in a normal view, i.e., as a presentation slide.

notes slide with text box

The same slide as a presentation slide (i.e., in normal view) is below.

notes slide in normal view

The underlying XML for the notes slide is below. The thumbnail and notes placeholders are colored.

<p:notes . . . >
. . .
. . .
<p:cNvPr id="2" name="Slide Image Placeholder 1"/>
. . .
<p:ph type="sldImg"/>
. . .

<p:cNvPr id="3" name="Notes Placeholder 2"/>
. . .
<p:ph type="body" idx="1"/>
. . .

<p:cNvPr id="4" name="Slide Number Placeholder 3"/>
. . .
<p:ph type="sldNum" sz="quarter" idx="10"/>
. . .

<p:cNvPr id="5" name="TextBox 4"/>
. . .
. . .
. . .
<p:rPr . . ./>
. . .
. . .
. . .

The note slides of a presentation are each contained within a notes slide part (within the notesSlides folder). There is a notes slide for each slide that has notes. If there is a notes slide for a slide, then that notes slide is referenced in the .rels file for the slide. So, for example, if slide 2 has notes, the .rels file for slide 2 will have a relationship to the notes slide: <Relationship Id="rId2" Type="" Target="../notesSlides/notesSlide2.xml"/>. The notes slides are not referenced in the presentation.xml.

The content model for a notes slide is similar to a presentation slide, except that it does not contain a timing or transition element. The significant differences relate to the placeholders that they have. The presentation has a set of shapes with placeholders and other content. The notes slide does not have the same shapes and content as its corresponding presentation slide. It has only a placeholder for the thumbnail image of the presentation slide, as well as a placeholder for the notes content, and it may have other shapes and content as desired (defined for all notes slide in the master notes slide or for a particular notes slide in that notes slide). See Slides - Overview for a comparison of the content models of the various slide types. The root element of a notes slide is the <p:notes> element. Below is a table showing the possible children of the root element, followed by a table showing the attributes of the root <p:notes> element.



Specifies overrides of the color scheme that is specified in the master slide's <p:clrMap>. For details, see Slide Properties - Color Scheme.


Specifies the slide content. For details, see Slides - Common Slide Data.

The attributes are:



Specifies whether to display animations on placeholders from the master slide. Values are booleans.


Specifies whether shapes from the master should be displayed on slides or not. Values are booleans.