DrawingML Shapes
Vertical Line Spacing within a Paragraph
Vertical spacing between lines within a paragraph of text in a shape is specified with the <a:lnSpc> element within the <a:pPr> element for the paragraph. Spacing can be specified as either a percentage or as point size. A percentage is specified using the <a:spcPct> as a child element of <a:lnSpc>). The percentage is based on the run that has the largest size in the paragraph. Spacing in terms of point size is specified using the <a:spcPts> as a child element of <a:lnSpc>), with 100 equal to 1 point and 1200 equal to 12 points. Both child elements specify the actual value within the val attribute. If line spacing is not specified, then the spacing is determined by the size of the largest piece of text in the line. Below is a sample shape with line spacing set to double spacing or 200%.
Space before and after a Paragraph
Spacing before and after paragaphs within a shape are specified with the elements <a:spcBef> and <a:spcAft>, respectively. Each may be specified as a percentage or in points using the child elements <a:spcPct> and <a:spcPts>. Below is a shape with two paragraphs and space after the paragraph specified as 12 points.
The left and right margins for a paragraph of text in a shape are specified with the marL and marR attributes on the <a:pPr> element, respectively. These margins are in addition to the text body inset. See Text Body Properties - Positioning and Insets. The margin values are between 0 and 51206400. Below is a shape with two paragraphs; the first paragraph has a left margin set at 1/2 inch (marL="457200").
Indentation for the first line of text in a paragraph is specified with the indent attribute on the <a:pPr> element. The value is specified in EMUs, and if the attribute is omitted, then a value of -342900 is implied. Below is the same shape and text as above, except that an indent of .3 inches has been applied to the first paragraph.