DrawingML Shapes
The text content of a shape is contained within one or more <a:p> elements. The content model for text in a shape is similar but not identical to that of content within a wordprocessingML document. Below are the permitted elements of a <a:p>.
Element | Description |
br | Specifies a line break. Note that within a wordprocessingML document, breaks are contained within runs (<a:r>). However, within shapes breaks are contained directly within the paragraph element. Breaks within shapes can have run properties specified by a <a:rPr> element. If text is later inserted where the break is, a new run can be generated with the specified formatting. See Shapes - Text - Run Properties for more on the <a:rPr> element. |
endParaRPr | Specifies the text run properties that are to be used if another run is inserted after the last run. If it is not specified, then the application can determine the properties to apply. See Shapes - Text - Run Properties for the details. |
r | Specifies a run of content within the paragraph. It is the lowest level of text separator that can have properties. If no properties are specified, then the properties specified in the default run properties element (<a:defRPr>) are used. A run can have run properties and text elements (<a:t>). See Shapes - Text - Run Properties for details on run properties. |
pPr | Specifies a set of properties for the paragraph. See Shapes - Text - Paragraph Properties. Note that if no properties are specified, then the default properties specified in the <a:defPPr> element are used. See Shapes - Text - List Styles for more on default paragraph properties. |
fld | Specifies a text field which contains generated text that the application updates periodically. The types of text are limited to dates and times or slide numbers. An id attribute for the fld element is generated by the application. A type attribute specifies the type of text. The reserved values are:
The <a:fld> element can contain text (<a:t>) as well as paragraph and run property elements. See Shapes - Text - Paragraph Properties and Shapes - Text - Run Properties for details. Below is a sample shape with a date field. <p:txBody>
<a:bodyPr rtlCol="0" anchor="ctr"/>
<a:pPr algn="ctr"/>
<a:rPr . . . >
. . .
<a:t>The time is </a:t>
<a:fld id="8DE09930-A1F0-4970-A755-490F150ACA4" type="datetime4">
<a:rPr lang="en-US" smtClean="0">
. . .
October 26, 2012
<a:endParaRPr . . .>
. . .