Wordprocessing Hyperlinks

External Links

Links are specified with the <w:hyperlink> element. Links to locations external to the document and links to locations within the document are handled differently based upon the presence or not of the r:id attribute. If the link is to an external target, then the r:id attribute is specified, which is the ID of a relationship stored in the relationship part (document.xml.rels). That relationship has a value of External for the TargetMode attribute. A specific location within the target for the link can be specified with the docLocation attribute. See attributes below.

<w:t xml:space="preserve">This is an external link to </w:t>
<w:hyperlink r:id="rId4">
<w:rStyle w:val="Hyperlink"/>

The r:id="rId4" references the following relationship within the relationships part for the document (document.xml.rels).

<Relationship Id="rId4" Type="http://. . ./hyperlink" Target="" TargetMode="External"/>
Word 2007 Example:
External Hypertext

An internal link is specified by including the anchor attribute with the value of a bookmark within the document.

<w:t xml:space="preserve">This is an </w:t>
<w:hyperlink w:anchor="myAnchor">
<w:rStyle w:val="Hyperlink"/>
<w:t>internal link</w:t>

. . .

<w:t xml:space="preserve">This is text with a </w:t>
<w:bookmarkStart w:id="0" w:name="myAnchor"/>
<w:bookmarkEnd w:id="0"/>
Word 2007 Example:
Internal Hypertext
Reference: ECMA-376, 3rd Edition (June, 2011), Fundamentals and Markup Language Reference § 17.16.22.


The most commonly used attributes are:


Specifies the name of a bookmark within the document. See Bookmark. If the attribute is omitted, then the default behavior is to navigate to the start of the document. If the r:id attribute is specified, then the anchor attribute is ignored.


Specifies a location in the target of the hyperlink, in the case in which the link is an external link.

<w:hyperlink r:id="rId9" w:docLocation="table">
<w:t>Click Here</w:t>

Specifies whether the target should be added to the list of viewed links. Possible values are true and false.


Specifies the ID of the relationship in the relationships part for an external link. The relationship will contain a Target attribute which is the target of the link. If the id attribute is specified, it supersedes the anchor attribute.


Specifies a frame within the HTML frameset for the target when a frameset exists. If no frameset exists, then this attribute is ignored. Possbile values are:

  • _top - opens in the current window
  • _self - opens in the same frame as the link
  • _parent - opens in the parent of the current frame
  • _blank - opens in a new web browser window
  • all other values - opens in the frame with the specified name, otherwise opens in the current frame

Specifies a string that can be displayed as associated with the hyperlink in the user interface.

Related HTML property:

External link

<p><a href="">This link goes to</a></p>
HTML Example:

Internal link

<p><a href="#myAnchor">This link goes to the anchor at the Internal Links heading above.</a></p>

<div><a name="myAnchor">Internal Links</a></div>
HTML Example: