Wordprocessing Fields

Numeric Field Formatting

Numeric field formatting switches have the following format:

\# switch argument

A numeric field switch argument is made up of a series of "picture items." The most commonly used are below. (Note that the general formatting switches also have formats that apply to numeric fields.)

Reference: ECMA-376, 3rd Edition (June, 2011), Fundamentals and Markup Language Reference §

Numeric Field Switch Picture Items:

Picture ItemDescriptionExamples

Specifies a numeric position to display.

=4+5 \# 00.00 displays "09.00".


Specifies a numeric position to display, and if the result doesn't include a digit in the position, a space is displayed.

=9+6 \# $### displays "$ 15".


Drops digits to the left of the x plaeholder. If the placeholder is to the right of the decimal point, the result is rounded to that place.

=111053+111439 \# x## displays "492".
=1/8 \# 0.00x displays "0.125".
=3/4 \# .x displays ".8".


Indicates the decimal point in US English.

=95.4 \# $###.00 displays "$ 95.40".


Separates groups of three digits.

=2456800 \# $#,###,### displays "$ 2,456,800".


Prepends a minus sign to a negative result, or prepends a space if the result is positive or 0.

=80-90 \# -## displays "-10".
=90-80 \# -## displays "10".


Prepends a plus sign to a positive result, a minus sign to a negative result, or a space if the result is 0.

=90-80 \# +## displays "+10".
=80-90 \# +## displays "-10".

Other characters

Includes the specified character in the position.

=33 \# ##% displays "33%".


Includes text in the result.

=Price*15% \# "$##0.00 'is the sale tax' might display "$ 3.98 is the sales tax".

'numbered item'

Includes, in Arabic numerals, the number of the preceding item numbered as a caption.

=SUM(A1:D4) \# "##.00 'is the total of Table' 'table'" displays "456.34 is the total of Table 2".

positive result; negative result; zero result

Specifies different formats for positive and negative results. To also specify a format for a zero result, add another semi-colon-separated picture.

=Sales95 \# "$#,##0.00; -$#,##.00; $0 displays, e.g., $5,320.00 for a positive value, -$5,320.00 for a negative value, and $0 for a zero value.